Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Spare Me Your Righteous Indignation

People of a "Left" persuasion love to rail against FOX NEWS as a Right Wing Propaganda Machine. To them, FOX NEWS is biased, un-balanced, and basically a mouthpiece of the GOP. To them, all other news outlets are fair, balanced, nuanced, right-down-the-middle, straight shooters looking for the truth in a world menaced by the lurking shadow of evil, domineering, right-wing, Christian, Lords of Death.


Even if one were to stipulate that FOX NEWS tilts right, the idea that it is alone in its bias is laughable...just like when Hillary Clinton tells us charming stories about how she and her husband tell loving truths while lying in eachother's arms on a beach blanket sipping wine, eating cheese, and staring out into a beautiful sunset.

The fact is, you can make a case that almost ALL other news outlets tilt to the Left. CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, PBS, ABC, CBS, NBC, USA TODAY, Washington Post, New York Times, Newsweek, Time, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, etc, etc, etc.

The list, literally, goes on and on.

Case in point: A few weeks ago, following the Republican Presidential Debate, CNN had a panel that consisted of ZERO conservatives and Arianna Huffington and Paul Begala, two of the biggest bombthrowers of the Left.

Say what you will about FOX, at least they have the courage to match Libs with Conservatives...Something Bill Maher, CNN, and the rest may do well to adhere to.

In any event, please spare all of us the holier-than-thou caterwalling. FOX news is a straw man designed to allow the Left to distract everyone from the reality of their own biased news outlets.


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